. Akshar
- A mechanism for inputting Indic scripts on digital devices
Data entry methods for Indian languages like Hindi, Gujarati and in general
are not keyboard friendly and their entry using QWERTY keyboards is
cumbersome and complicated, it involves the use of multiple shift modes. The
same applies to the input methods on mobile phone and other interactive
digital kiosk like systems. There is a great need for practical input
mechanism/scheme specifically for various Indian languages. With the vision
of ‘Innovate for India’, Akshar is basically an attempt to have ‘the’ input
mechanism for inputting Indic scripts in Digital devices like Mobile phones,
Kiosk booths, WLLs, Interactive TVs, VEDa or Personal Computers. It is
observed that most of the scripts in India have their base in Brahmi script.
Akshar uses unique features of grouping of 5 consonants in such script.
Akshar video